Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)

Cellular Digital Packet Data Connections to Other Networks

Most customers connect their corporate networks to CDPD through public data networks, including those operated by inter-exchange carriers such as AT&T, Sprint, and MCI. The CDPD network also has a connection to the Internet, providing another possible path between a CDPD-capable mobile device and a corporate network. Mobiles can also connect to servers and services hosted on the Internet using standard Internet applications and protocols such as HTTP for Web browsing, POP for mail access, FTP for file transfer, and Telnet for terminal sessions..

Figure 1. CDPD Connections to Other Networks

The cellular companies that provide CDPD service are interconnecting their networks using routers. CDPD allows mobile computers to be used anywhere within the network, even outside the mobile’s “home” operating area. CDPD provides complete security by offering both authentication and encryption of data. CDPD is the only wireless packet data network that offers data encryption.


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