
Viewpoint of the telecom companies :
It is clear that there is no ideal solution for a wireless data communications system, rather, a collection of possible solutions suited to different applications, environments and of course costs. For example, a telecom company with an established analog cellular infrastructure may opt to offer data communications through CDPD, which is designed to work with existing analog cellular systems, rather than make a large investment in upgrading to the latest digital cellular technology. The cost of particular systems to telecom companies will therefore determine whether they will decide to provide them to the customer or not.

Another factor determining the type of service in a particular area is the terrain, for example in mountainous regions where it would be next to impossible to get any kind of satisfactory cellular coverage or when venturing into an area or country even where there is no local telecom coverage, satellite systems would be the obvious choice for a suitable system.

Viewpoint of the customers :
Again there is no ideal system and alot of juggling between costs and efficiency of service has to be done. For example, a well travelled customer in Ireland given the option between :

would more than likely forego the cheaper calls within Ireland offered by option C., option A. never offering him the coverage he requires, and use option B. because he reckons that he is going to be travelling so much he won't make use of the GSM option while still incurring the charges involved with being part of that network. A not so well travelled customer would probably opt for option A. and a customer somewhere in between would opt for option C.
In the future a new market may develope consisting of customers needing broadband services from a fixed location but in coutries with poor telecommunications infrastructures. This service will be more than likely provided by the emerging Global LEO satellite systems e.g. Teledesic.

It is probably fairly obvious now that there is not going to be a perfect system servicing all our needs and therefore compromises will have to be made at every corner.


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Last updated 09-Apr-1998.
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